Anyone can embroider a design but the key to a great look is in the digitizing. This is the process of taking your logo or image as a .jpeg or .pdf and converting it into a stitch file for embroidery. Using state of the art digitizing programs we can insure that your design will look great, first time, every time!
Embroidery is the process of stitching your design or logo onto apparel. Our in house state of the art embroidery machines will provide a consistent look time after time and in short order. Our equipment is computerized resulting in a consistent look from garment to garment with a quick turnaround time.
Screen Printing
Screen printing is the traditional process of printing a design by applying one color at a time until your final design is complete. Usually done on t shirts or sweatshirts, this time proven process is still the most cost effective way to print staff or event shirts. With low a minimum of only 24 pieces per order, we can print up to 6 colors to achieve the look you want.